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Aloe Terracotta Exfoliating Rub-Off Face Mask for Glowing Complexion

Aloe Terracotta Exfoliating Rub-Off Face Mask for Glowing Complexion

Achieve a radiant and glowing complexion with our Aloe Terracotta Rub-Off Face Mask. Infused with aloe and gentle exfoliating agents, this mask gently removes dead skin cells, revealing fresh and luminous skin, while providing deep nourishment and hydration.

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Aloe product used:

Aloe Vera Concentrates


Aloe Vera Benefits:The gel derived from aloe vera leaves is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that deeply hydrate the skin, preventing dryness and promoting a healthy complexion. Regular use of aloe vera helps maintain optimal skin moisture levels, leaving the skin supple, smooth, and radiant.

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