Fair Trade Certification
Take a deeper look into the worldwide certifications that make our aloe vera a first class product
Fair Trade Certification
AMB Wellness considers itself an important Aloe Raw Material leader, from the selection of its aloe plantation until to production of its excellent quality of Aloe Juice, concentrates and powders. AMB is proactive in meeting the expectations of the multiple market segments that attend worldwide. Whether AMB Wellness’s customers, they can all rest assured that AMB Wellness always has continued to work with partners that employ Fair Trade practices.
Our Aloe Vera field partners have taken great pride in building meaningful relationships with all of its employees. This has always been one of the most vital roles that employees play in our Aloe Vera Business. AMB Wellness and our plantation partners are committed to provide the highest quality standards for anyone who works with aloe vera raw material.
Local community
Cultivating Aloe Vera is an intensive labor process, as it must be harvested by hand. When cultivation was established at Rio Verde SLP, It had a positive spin-off for the people of those areas as job creation is desperately needed. With more than 17,000 hectares harvested at this moment and growing, AMB Wellness purchases to small and medium farmers, which have achieved economic stability. We employ local farmers and provide excellent working conditions.
Aloe Vera meets the target points of sustainability since they involve the conservation and improvement of natural resources, producers receive a better income and to achieve better living conditions. Aloe Vera is cultivated commercially in a sustainable manner. Aloe Vera is typically grown without the use of pesticides as the botanical has so few natural predators.
Aloe Vera exportations are a crucial source of growth and employment in Mexico, and make an essential contribution to poverty reduction and rural development. Indeed, the Aloe area makes a comparative advantage for Mexico, which is keen to see an expansion in the market for their Aloe Vera.
Quality; the essential component
Aloe Vera must be “biologically alive” and must be in a bio-available form if our customers around the world are to experience the full scope and range of benefits from this wonder plant. Aloe is an ingredient that needs careful processing to preserve its active ingredients-the polysaccharides in the juice- and to process out chemicals known as anthraquinones glycosides that are present in the raw form of the leaf.
Cultivation Area
Aloe’s plantations have the right mix of temperature, humidity, altitude, and there is fertile volcanic soil. No pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, rodenticides, and others are permitted.
Quality control monitoring
From seed to finished product, experienced quality control personnel monitor each step of the production, all of our products are subject to an extensive microbiological and purity testing before their release to ensure the highest quality.
AMB Wellness’s role in Fairtrade practices:
- AMB Wellness proves to commit to FFL regulation (Certification of standard for Fair Trade and responsible supply chains)
- AMB Wellness, besides operating under the guidelines of corporate responsibility, the company/organization plays a role in the development of Fair Trade industries: long-term associations and fair prices.
- AMB Wellness demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility: best ethical practices, policies of responsible supply, positive impact in the local community, positive impact in the environment, etc.

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