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Hair Care with Aloe

Aloe decreases pain, reduces swelling, and other symptoms of inflammation in the mouth. Aloe stays on the skin and gums surface for a few hours, which further extends the therapeutic effect.

The antibacterial activity of Aloe Vera was recognized by dentists when they found out that gingivalis strains, responsible for the majority ofperiodontal diseases, cannot withstand Aloe.

Aloe soothes periodontal disease.

According to a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, it’s extremely helpful in the treatment of gum diseases like gingivitis, and periodontitis. It reduces bleeding, inflammation, and swelling of the gums. It is a powerful antiseptic in pockets where normal cleaning is difficult, and its antifungal properties help greatly in the problem of denture stomatitis, aphthous ulcers, and cracked and split corners of the mouth.

Aloe Toothpaste is a breakthrough in the science of Oral hygiene, the water is replaced with soothing Aloe Vera juice, which is combined with a powerful blend of carefully selected natural, active ingredients to create a truly exceptional toothpaste. Regular brushing with Aloe Dent gives you front-line support in the fight against gum disease and dental decay, naturally, and still leaves your mouth feeling tingling fresh.

Aloe Mouth wash, Aloe provides a natural and soothing antibacterial action and promotes healthy Oral health – keeping your gums and teeth strong and clean.

For more information related to this or another application where Aloe can be one of the main ingredients, please do not hesitate to contact us,

Best regards,

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