Beauty with Aloe
The personal care and hygiene industries have seen a dramatic growth in the number of new and innovative toilet paper and facial tissue product applications.
The development of new properties and applications of tissue, papers have been triggered by the changing marketplace. The constant search for convenience and instant solutions to the always “on-the-go” lifestyles have generated many new business opportunities within the tissue cotton wool, draw sheets, and washcloths that are part of our daily lives.
Today tissue paper has a strong competition tissue paper products and requires developing defensive strategies to combat the erosion caused by substitute products such as wet wipes, promote innovation in your tissue paper line, and define the desired direction for improvement, one of these strategies is to infuse with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E Lotion and other skin care preparations, ingredients known for their soothing properties, help to soothe and protect your sensitive nose make differentiation from your competitors, and improve de desirable benefits for the consumer.
Consumers use paper products, such as facial tissues, toilet tissues, and paper towels, for a wide variety of applications. Facial tissues are not only used for nose care but, in addition to other uses, can also be used as a general wiping product. Consequently, there are many different types of tissue products currently commercially available.
Apply Aloe Vera to tissue paper products.
Aloe Vera is very important to add value for marketing purposes; it also provides the ability to impart skin health benefits from natural sources such as Aloe Vera.
Today consumers are looking for products with healthy proprieties. Conscious of this new lifestyle, AMB is dedicated to developing new natural ingredients that fulfill our unique customer´s needs in the tissue paper industry.
If you’re looking for Aloe Vera Raw Materials, AMB Wellness offers a variety of fresh-pressed Aloe Vera Ingredients such as juice, concentrates & powders, and premium ingredients that will boost the therapeutic effect.
Cleansing household and personal care products have been used for numerous years. In recent years, however, consumers have begun demanding more out-of-household and personal care products. For example, a new trend has emerged in the consumer market where consumers are expressing a growing demand for “natural” products.
Tissue products must offer something that speaks to the consumers’ particular lifestyles, values, and needs. For example, consumers embracing a healthier lifestyle are looking for household paper products to satisfy needs ranging from anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties to sensitive skin issues. Offer to your consumer paper products with these value-added benefits are adding a new dimension to the category that drives shopper loyalty.
The skin is a natural barrier to the penetration of many foreign substances. At times, the natural ability of the skin to protect itself may be compromised by external factors including abrasions, irritants, and the like. Attempts have been made to promote skin health using various products containing additives, or by developing synthetic or naturally occurring polymers that mimic or complement the properties of skin to maintain skin health.
There is a need for a way to prepare such an emulsion combining all or most of the above benefits to a so far unachieved level.
Paper products treated on two surfaces with a liquid-resistant composition are disclosed. The paper products can be, for instance, toilet tissues, facial tissues, paper towels, and industrial wipers. The liquid-resistant compositions can include any additive that provides benefits to the product. For instance, the liquid-resistant composition can be a softener containing a hydrophobic additive with Aloe Vera.
Choose Aloe Vera in your formulas to make a more comfortable and soothing effect, enhance softness, and/ or reduce skin irritation and redness.
Facial tissues belong to a class of paper products used extensively for personal hygiene in modern society. Other products of this type include paper towels, napkins, and sanitary (or toilet) tissue. These products are designed to be highly absorbent, soft, and flexible. These pleasant tactile properties are especially important for facial and toilet room tissues, considering their use.
To optimize pleasant skin, and feel, tissues have been developed with softening agents or lotion-type ingredients to reduce any chafing effect on delicate parts of the body. Tissue softness is a tactile perception characterized by the sheet’s physical properties, such as flexibility or stiffness, texture, and frictional properties. Softness can be increased by adding agents that interfere with the way the fibers within the tissue interact, making them less closely bonded to each other. These are known as debonding agents. However, these materials tend to decrease the tensile strength of the fabric and may irritate skin on contact.
Application of an Aloe Vera-based treatment agent to tissue paper suppresses any feeling of slipperiness or wetness in ordinary tissue paper and toilet paper so the paper has a dry touch, ample smoothness, and a clean, smooth, tactile impression. It also provides the paper with a superior softness. The Aloe Vera-based treatment agent consists of a silicone oil emulsion that is cross-linked with silicone particles. Hence, the irritation and inflammation potentially caused by using tissue products is a common drawback experienced by users of both toilet tissues.
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The immune system is a series of biological processes within the body that protect against disease by identifying and killing pathogens. A major part of the immune system are the white blood cells, which form the first line of defense in the immune system by creating a “barrier” that hunts down and kills foreign particles in the body. A compromised immune system, especially drops in
white blood cell counts, can lead to infections and illness. Likewise, a “boost” to the immune system would indicate that the body was better suited to fight off infections and diseases naturally. Studies show Aloe increasing the number of white blood cells, the body can further support a healthy immune system.
Aloe Vera Dairy in Food Nutrition
Aloe Vera is a natural source of monosaccharides and polysaccharides. These substances have antiinflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-mycotic and immune-stimulating effects. All of these effects enhance digestion and bind numerous detrimental substances such as cholesterol and gall acid. Most important are the long-chain sugars (especially the polymannan sugars), which enter the intestinal wall undegraded and then have an immune regulating effect in the blood. Alternatively, they stick to the intestinal wall and therefore prevent undesired substances from entering the bloodstream.
Aloe vera laundry market
Aloe Vera is available at a premium, with psychology reward using Aloe Vera as part of the formula. This opens a whole new approach to fabric cleaning.