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EFSA concerns for Hydroxyanthracene derivatives in Food

AMB Wellness is a company that is always up to date with new regulations worldwide to meet the needs of each market and the standards of each country to offer the best quality in our products. No matter the deliberation for hydroxyanthracenes derivatives, our technical capabilities will adjust the details to meet the given specifications. AMB Wellness knows that this is a highly important topic for European countries. Many of them are involved in research and getting to the base to finalize a new regulation for the hydroxyanthracenes content. Many customers have asked us about this, EFSA has not emitted an official regulation for Aloe Vera & Hydroxyanthracenes Derivatives yet, it is estimated that Publication in the Official Journal may be by March 2021.

Our product complies with these parameters, in a solution of 0.5%. And our parameters are the following Physicochemical Specification Analytic Method Aloe-emodin* NMT 0.005 PPM HPLC Aloin-A* NMT 0.005 PPM HPLC Aloin-B* NMT 0.005 PPM HPLC As soon as we have more information about Regulation, we will share the information with you, and please be trustful that if we have to modify or adjust our parameters, we will do it in order to comply and give you a product that is always within requirements to accomplish safety & trust for the consumers.

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